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Mariana Lopez Quintanilla

Director of Marin County Expanded Learning Programs

Mariana Lopez Quintanilla studied Interior Design at Institute Villasmil de Leon and Education at Universidad Metropolitana in her native country, Venezuela, where she started her career as an educator. In 2007,  she started working in the Non Profit sector as the Refugee Youth and Family Program Manager for Miami-Dade County.  Mariana joined Bay Area Community Resources in the  2008 - 2009 academic year as the After School Coordinator at San Pedro Elementary School in San Rafael. She is currently a Director supporting expanded learning programs and family centers in eight Marin County schools, serving more than 10,000 students and their families every year. In 2014, Mariana received the BACR Best Practices Award for After School Programs and a Golden Bell Award from the Marin County Office of Education. She completed a fellowship program in 2016 with the National Equity Project and co-facilitated the Leading for Equity Institute for Educators from around the country in 2018. Most recently, in September 2020, Mariana finished her fellowship with the National AfterSchool Matters Association in partnership with the National Institute of Out of School Time. She is passionate about equity in education, implementing strategies to develop quality after school programs, and finding resources that inspire students to learn.



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